ONGC Share Price – NSE/BSE

ONGC | Share Price – NSE/BSE
ONGC | Share Price – NSE/BSE

ONGC Share Price range between the high and low prices over the past 52 weeks ₹119.85 – ₹168.40 & MARKET CAP 2.02T INR.

ONGC Share Price - BSE/NSE

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ONGC Share Price History –

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is one of the largest oil and gas exploration and production companies in India. Its share price history can be traced back to its initial public offering (IPO) in 1994.

Since then, ONGC share price has gone through various ups and downs, largely influenced by changes in global oil prices, government policies, and the company’s own financial performance.

Here’s a brief overview of ONGC’s share price history:

  • In 1994, ONGC went public with an IPO at a price of Rs. 95 per share.
  • By 2005, ONGC share price had risen to around Rs. 1,200, mainly due to a surge in global oil prices.
  • However, the share price started declining from 2008 onwards, following the global financial crisis and a fall in oil prices. It reached a low of around Rs. 100 in 2009.
  • The share price gradually recovered over the next few years, but remained volatile due to fluctuations in oil prices and government policies.
  • In 2017, the government announced its plan to sell its stake in ONGC to help meet its divestment targets. This led to a sharp fall in the share price.
  • Since then, ONGC share price has recovered and currently trades at around Rs. 120-130.

Overall, ONGC share price history reflects the cyclical nature of the oil and gas industry and the impact of macroeconomic factors on the company’s financial performance.

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of ONGC India
  3. History and Background
  4. Financial Performance of ONGC India
    • Revenue and Profitability
    • Capital Expenditure
    • Debt Position
    • Cash Flow Analysis
  5. Exploration and Production Operations
    • Domestic Operations
    • International Operations
    • Reserves and Production
  6. Investments and Joint Ventures
  7. Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
  8. Challenges and Risks
  9. Future Outlook and Growth Strategies
  10. Conclusion
  11. FAQs

Financial Details about ONGC India –


ONGC India, officially known as Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, is one of the largest publicly traded oil and gas companies in India. In this article, we will delve into the financial details of ONGC India, exploring its performance, operations, investments, and growth strategies. By analyzing its financial data, we can gain insights into the company’s financial health and its position in the energy industry.

Overview of ONGC India

Before diving into the financial details, let’s provide a brief overview of ONGC India. Established in 1956, ONGC India is a state-owned enterprise engaged in the exploration, production, and refining of crude oil and natural gas. The company operates both domestically and internationally, with a strong presence in the upstream oil and gas sector.

History and Background

ONGC India has a rich history that spans over six decades. The company was formed as a result of the merger between the Oil and Natural Gas Directorate and the Oil and Natural Gas Commission. Since its inception, ONGC India has been instrumental in the development of the Indian oil and gas industry and has played a pivotal role in the country’s energy security.

Financial Performance of ONGC India

Revenue and Profitability

ONGC India has consistently demonstrated robust financial performance. In the past fiscal year, the company recorded a significant increase in revenue, primarily driven by higher crude oil prices and increased production levels. The company’s profitability has also witnessed steady growth, with a strong focus on cost optimization and operational efficiency.

Capital Expenditure

As a capital-intensive industry, ONGC India allocates a substantial portion of its funds towards capital expenditure. These investments are directed towards exploration and production activities, technological advancements, and infrastructure development. The company’s strategic capital expenditure plan ensures long-term sustainability and growth.

Debt Position

Managing debt is crucial for any organization, and ONGC India is no exception. The company maintains a prudent approach toward debt management, focusing on maintaining an optimal debt-to-equity ratio. By carefully managing its debt position, ONGC India minimizes financial risks and ensures financial stability.

Cash Flow Analysis

Analyzing the cash flow statement of ONGC India provides insights into the company’s liquidity and cash management practices. The company generates significant cash flows from its operations, which are utilized for investments, debt repayments, and dividends to shareholders. Strong cash flow generation is indicative of ONGC India’s financial strength and ability to fund its growth initiatives.

International Operations

In addition to its domestic operations, ONGC India has expanded its footprint globally. The company has ventured into exploration and production activities in several countries, including Vietnam, Russia, Brazil, and the Middle East. By diversifying its operations geographically, ONGC India aims to tap into new oil and gas reserves and strengthen its position as a global energy player.

Reserves and Production

ONGC India’s extensive exploration efforts have resulted in the discovery and development of substantial oil and gas reserves. The company holds significant reserves both onshore and offshore, which form the foundation of its production activities. ONGC India’s production levels have been consistently increasing over the years, contributing to the nation’s energy needs.

Investments and Joint Ventures

ONGC India actively seeks opportunities for investments and strategic partnerships to enhance its operational capabilities and expand its business portfolio. The company has formed joint ventures with both domestic and international entities to collaborate on exploration, production, and other energy-related projects. These investments and joint ventures provide ONGC India with access to new technologies, resources, and markets.

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

ONGC India recognizes its role as a responsible corporate citizen and is committed to sustainable development. The company undertakes various corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives focused on areas such as education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community development. ONGC India’s CSR efforts aim to make a positive impact on society and uplift the lives of the communities in which it operates.

Challenges and Risks

Like any organization operating in the energy sector, ONGC India faces certain challenges and risks. Fluctuations in global oil and gas prices, geopolitical uncertainties, regulatory changes, and environmental concerns pose challenges to the company’s operations and financial performance. ONGC India actively monitors and manages these risks to ensure business continuity and mitigate potential adverse impacts.

Future Outlook and Growth Strategies

Looking ahead, ONGC India has outlined several growth strategies to strengthen its position in the energy industry. The company aims to increase its domestic and international exploration activities, leverage technological advancements for enhanced production efficiency, and diversify its energy portfolio by investing in renewable energy sources. ONGC India is committed to sustainable growth while maintaining its focus on financial stability and shareholder value.


ONGC India, as a prominent player in the oil and gas industry, has showcased robust financial performance, extensive exploration and production operations, strategic investments, and a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility. With a focus on sustainable growth and adapting to changing market dynamics, ONGC India is well-positioned to navigate the challenges and seize opportunities in the energy sector.


  1. What does ONGC India stand for? ONGC India stands for Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, one of the largest oil and gas companies in India.
  2. What are ONGC India’s core business activities? ONGC India is primarily involved in the exploration, production, and refining of crude oil and natural gas.
  3. Where does ONGC India operate internationally? ONGC India has international operations in countries such as Vietnam, Russia, Brazil, and the Middle East.
  4. What are some of ONGC India’s growth strategies? ONGC India’s growth strategies include expanding domestic and international exploration, adopting technological advancements, and investing in renewable energy sources.
  5. How does ONGC India contribute to society through CSR initiatives? ONGC India undertakes CSR initiatives focused on education, healthcare, environment, and community development to make a positive impact on society.

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