IRFC Share Price | BSE/NSE –

IRFC Share Price range between the high and low prices over the past 52 weeks ₹20.80 – ₹48.30& MARKET CAP 589.32B INR.

IRFC Share Price | IRFC Stock Price| IRFC Share Price Today

IRFC Share Price – Today -Live –

IRFC Share Price and Financial Data –

IRFC stands for Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited. It is a public sector undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of Railways in India, established in 1986. IRFC is primarily engaged in financing the acquisition of rolling stock assets, which includes locomotives, coaches, wagons, and other railway equipment. IRFC raises funds through various financial instruments to provide financial assistance to Indian Railways, which is its sole borrower.

IRFC has been assigned the highest credit rating (AAA) by CRISIL, ICRA, and CARE, which indicates its financial strength and ability to meet its financial obligations. The company has also been recognized as a Navratna PSU, which means that it is among the top PSUs in India in terms of financial performance.

The primary objective of IRFC is to meet the financial requirements of Indian Railways by providing financial assistance for the acquisition of rolling stock assets, as well as for other railway projects. The company raises funds through various financial instruments, such as bonds, term loans, and leasing, among others. The funds raised by IRFC are then lent to Indian Railways, which is its sole borrower.

IRFC plays a crucial role in the development and expansion of the Indian Railways network. The company has been instrumental in financing the acquisition of rolling stock assets, which has helped Indian Railways to modernize its fleet and provide better and more efficient services to passengers.

IRCTC Share Price

IRFC Share Price History –

Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited (IRFC) is a government-owned financial company that finances railway projects in India. It is listed on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The company went public in January 2021, and its initial public offering (IPO) was oversubscribed by 3.49 times.

Here is the historical data on the IRFC share price: –

DateIRFC Share Price (NSE)
Jan 29, 2021Rs. 24.90
Feb 26, 2021Rs. 23.25
Mar 31, 2021Rs. 24.60
Apr 30, 2021Rs. 25.60
May 31, 2021Rs. 25.05
Jun 30, 2021Rs. 23.10
Jul 30, 2021Rs. 24.50
Aug 31, 2021Rs. 25.75
Sep 30, 2021Rs. 26.45
Oct 29, 2021Rs. 29.90
Nov 30, 2021Rs. 28.20
Dec 31, 2021Rs. 27.25
Jan 31, 2022Rs. 27.35
Feb 28, 2022Rs. 28.40
Mar 31, 2022Rs. 27.70
Apr 29, 2022Rs. 27.50

IRFC Share Price and Company Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

In this article, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the Indian Railway Finance Corporation’s (IRFC) share price performance and delve into an in-depth overview of the company. As a leading player in the finance sector, IRFC has garnered significant attention from investors and stakeholders alike. Let’s explore the key factors influencing IRFC’s share price, its financial performance, and its strategic position in the market.

Understanding IRFC’s Share Price Performance

IRFC’s share price has been a subject of interest for both seasoned investors and those new to the market. Its performance can be attributed to a combination of internal and external factors. Market sentiment, economic conditions, interest rates, and government policies play a pivotal role in influencing IRFC’s share price.

Market Sentiment and Economic Conditions

Market sentiment can heavily impact IRFC’s share price. Positive news about the Indian economy, such as GDP growth, infrastructural development, and industrial expansion, can drive investor confidence and lead to a surge in IRFC share price. Conversely, negative economic indicators can create uncertainty, leading to a decline in share price.

Interest Rates and Government Policies

As a government-owned enterprise, IRFC share price can be influenced by changes in interest rates and government policies. For instance, a decrease in lending rates can make IRFC’s financial offerings more attractive, potentially boosting investor confidence and positively affecting share prices.

Financial Performance and Key Metrics

To gain a deeper understanding of IRFC’s potential, it’s crucial to examine its financial performance and key metrics.

Revenue and Profitability

IRFC’s consistent revenue growth over the years showcases its strong position in the market. Robust revenue streams, generated through lease financing for railway projects, contribute significantly to the company’s profitability.

Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Analyzing IRFC’s debt-to-equity ratio provides insights into its financial leverage. A lower ratio signifies a healthier balance between debt and equity, indicating stability and efficient financial management.

Strategic Position in the Market

IRFC’s strategic positioning has a significant impact on its share price performance. Let’s explore some key aspects of its market position.

Collaboration with Indian Railways

IRFC’s close collaboration with Indian Railways provides it with a steady stream of business opportunities. As the principal financing arm of the railways, IRFC’s role in funding critical infrastructure projects contributes to its stability and long-term growth prospects.

Role in Sustainable Development

In recent years, IRFC has demonstrated a commitment to sustainable development by financing green projects within the railways. This approach not only aligns with global sustainability trends but also positions IRFC as a forward-thinking entity, potentially attracting socially conscious investors.


In conclusion, IRFC share price performance is influenced by a combination of market sentiment, economic conditions, interest rates, and government policies. A detailed analysis of its financial performance reveals steady revenue growth and a prudent debt-to-equity ratio. Furthermore, IRFC’s strategic collaborations and emphasis on sustainable development contribute to its strong market position.

As an investor or stakeholder, staying informed about these factors can enable better decision-making and a comprehensive understanding of IRFC’s potential for growth in the ever-evolving financial landscape.

16 thoughts on “IRFC Share Price | BSE/NSE –”

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